Sunday, January 19, 2014

Hi 2014

Salam 2014

Wah, pejam celik dah separuh Januari 
Hati nak tulis banyak entry baru
Tapi tak menyompek la eden
Aku xtau la, kalau dulu aku kata busy, sekarang ??
More respect to all mummies out there!
Baru dua bulan lebih berstatus mak orang
Bertambah sayang aku kpd mak aku
Baru sikit rasa penat jerih seorang ibu
Belum campur bab2 lain lagi
Ya Allah, Tempatkanlah ibuku di syurga tertinggi

tag: i dont need to mention my mom on FB because she have no FB account.
Dont mention that you love your love ones only on FB, call, meet, talk n hug them to show your loves.
Appreciate them in the way they feel it!

My doter, my little angel, my bundle of joy already 2 months


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